from the past— We are putting all the back issues of Jump Cut online as fast as we can. We hope new readers will discover these classic essays. And we hope that they will be useful for readers who followed Jump Cut from the start and whose old issues have yellowed with age. This contribution to film studies lets teachers can have easy access to a collection of thoughtful critical essays for their classes. It is also our contribution to left, feminist, and gay/lesbian cultural criticism for lovers of cinema throughout the world. We began Jump Cut in 1974 and hope to bring all thirty years of film criticism to you online in about a year. Right now we have numbers 1-30 online, comprising over 260 essays. It is too much to read all at once but we hope you will dip into this archive over and over to read about favorite films and TV shows and also to see how the field of film criticism has developed over the last quarter century. In retrospect, it is clear that Jump Cut has taken the lead in many of the most important areas of film and television criticism, especially in terms of the journal's social orientation. If you read some of these essays and find them useful, we would like to ask a favor. We need help at this point with proofreading. The process of transferring essays online involves scanning the text into a "picture-like" image, then turning that image into text through a optical character recognition (OCR) software program, then proofing the text in Word, and then putting the text into the program used to construct the web site, Dreamweaver. The OCR process is quite imprecise and a few typographical errors may remain in these essays. If you find any, please contact us and let us know. The editor in charge of layout is Julia Lesage, jlesage@uoregon.edu Current issue Archived essaysJump Cut home |